Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jason At the Loony Bin

     Jason arrived with a full and perfect Mohawk hair style.  He used soap from the washroom to make it stick up way high.  Noticing that their was only one hair not in place, the treatment school, teacher told him it was, "absolutely perfect", anyway.  This observation by her seemed to set him at ease and relax him.   Some days later he disclosed to this  teacher that he had been sexually abused since he was six, by his natural mother.  Telling her in a low voice, a calm delivery, it was easy for her to not react to this unexpected pronouncemant during a math assignment.  Professionals at the observation unit met every morning and so she was obligated to share this.  Neglect and abuse are the order of the day in the adolescent unit,  disclosing it to a teacher is rare, at any facility.
But this teacher new Jason.  A student in her behavior class, at a local school, a couple of years ago, Jason distiguished himself with bullying others, insolence and swagger.
     He met me in this class.  Academically more advanced, I was even more able to waste my time and the time of others and still pass.  We could hardly wait to quit and we both did.
      Jason's demons were bubbling just under the surface and his temper was legendary.  Inspite of dispising his mother, he would defend her to the death if anyone said, "your mother".   This contradiction drove him even more 'crazy' and after the Seamore chic dumped him he finally cracked and drove off the pier in the next port town.  Pretty bumped up, he survived and go two weeks observation for his stupidity.

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